How You Can Become a Morning Person

I love sleep! For as long as I can remember I have never been a morning person. At times because of sports I had to be and I hated every minute. But I didn’t actually become a night owl until college when I controlled my bedtime. As a youth I had a bedtime, so me not being a morning person had nothing to do with not getting adequate rest. Fast forward to now — I want to push to become a morning person. I know a lot has to do with getting to bed earlier, consistency (which isn’t quite my thing) and patience (another thing I struggle with). But after talking with my good friend, who for as long as I have known her she’s been a morning person. She is up bright(sometimes before the sun rises) and early, most times I get texts from her timestamped well before 6am and hours later I’m reading them. I don’t necessarily want to be “beat the sun” early but I would like to be earlier than 8am. So I turned to Googs and came across this article.

I never thought about a sleep pattern being genetic but I suppose it makes sense when I think about it. My mom was an early bird up and at it cleaning or reading. And my dad wasn’t super early unless he had to be but maybe around 9-10am on the weekends and I suppose I fall right around there except as a teen I slept well past noon if it was allowed. In college however I burned the wick at both ends I stayed up late and also picked early classes so I was passing myself in the hallways. I can’t do that anymore I am not able to function properly. I do value sleep but with 3 kids, new position at work and a house that has a hefty project list I want to shift my schedule a few hours.

I would like to take you all on this journey as I try to adjust my sleep patterns so I can be up early and be productive each day.

If any of you have experience with this please share some advice or tips that would be greatly appreciated.